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Village Voices - Dorothy Robyn


Mon 09 / 18 / 2023
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM



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Open to all

Limited capacity: Registration Closed




Trudy H. Peterson
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What’s Up with the Airlines?

Were you stuck in an airline snafu this summer? Did you suffer delays, cancellations, mishandled or lost luggage? Let’s talk.

Join Village Voices for a talk with Dorothy Robyn on the history of airline regulation and deregulation, airline consolidation and what that has meant for competition, and why we are seeing more close calls on airport runways. We will also learn about the air carriers’ pricing strategies and the rationale for imposing fees for everything from early boarding to extra legroom—all to make us more savvy fliers in the future.

Dorothy Robyn is a public policy expert who writes and consults on transportation and energy policy. She has held senior posts in the Federal government, including as a staff member on President Clinton’s National Economic Council, where she was responsible for aviation policy among other issues. As a consultant and  pro bono advocate, she has worked to expand international competition in air services and “corporatize” the air traffic control system.